Poems by Muthamizh Virumbi

Pic by Steve Johnson



Translated by C. Rajeswari


The focus

Placing the knife apart,
And the moment
He turned aside.
Picked up and flew away
A tiny piece of mutton
From the butchering table
The crows.


A bale of cloud

In the running train
Near the door;
The little girl
Looks at her face.
At the waterfalls mirror
Adjusts its attire
A bale of cloud
That hugged the peak.


The hot summer

The hot summer.
Blisters in the body
Caress along and sheds
The fruits of Neem
And its flowers with wings.
Amidst the burning sun
With dense waves of hot air,
Near the mountain ranges
That touches the rails;
A tank for lilies
With no blossoms.
If the expectation
Is not fulfilled
What will happen to
This demonic moment?


My sweet daughter

The dried river gushes
And rushes to ocean
The arid dry lands
Yield thrice a year.
Palmyras and coconuts
Bear fleshy heavy fruits
The flower gardens
Start flourish
In this off season
In the bright sunlight
A super moon at sight
My sweet daughter
Is back to home
From the hostel


Is it simple?

Cross over is simple
This will pass on.
It is not easy
To be simple,
The time, distance, direction
And the routes.
Is it simple
At this moment
To close the eyes and watch?
Or fly away?


The beaming climber

Oh, sweety
The beaming climber
Far from my reach;
Oh, honey
With locks of hair
Impossible to leave;
Before the bud, withers off
Why don’t you be generous?
Before you leave apart
Why don’t you give a lot?


Castle of dreams

Winter halo
Around the moon,
Oils my desire of
Wedding soon.
Tonight may be
A trace of rain;
But a real feast.
I assure.
You will enter
My castle of dreams
Breaking its gates.


About the Author

Muthamizh Virumbi, a deputy director with Neyveli Lignite Corporation, is a multi faceted personality – a poet, publisher, patron and agricuturalist. He has to his credit nine collections of Tamil poems; his poems have been translated into English, Hindi, Malayalam, Kannadam and Italian.  He has been honored with Tamil Semmal Award (Malaysia), Thiruvalluvar Award (Sri Lanka), Mozhi Kaavalar and others.


About the Translator

Dr. C. Rajeswari, a receipient of best translator award of the Tamil Nadu State Government, is a translator, publisher, linguist and socio- religious analyst. She has authored and translated 85 books. She has translated texts from different fields such as Sociology, Theology, Science, Commerce, Law etc. She has translated selected poems from literary works belonging to the Sangam, Didactic and Medieval Tamil Literature and also poems from English to Tamil.  She is also a researcher of MGR films and has authored 21 books on the subject.